Fervent singing is enhanced by tunes that reach down to touch the affections and awaken the recessed emotions of the heart. Such is true of the music of Ireland. Its cultural style, uniquely developed over the centuries, has been generously passed on to the world to enrich our lives. The songs in this recording are in an Irish style and have been used in sacred services. We have been privileged to see their effect in our ministry. Their dynamic, however, is not found in the tune alone, but in the Biblical, life-giving message that communicates the love of God through His Son Jesus Christ. He went to a cross, bore our sins, died a tragic death, was buried, and rose victoriously over the grave three days later. His offer of eternal life is free, unearned, and available to all who believe. How can we not passionately sing about Him who is our hope of salvation, source of joy, and power in living? The pathos of this music simply enhances the power of its message!